Statistics for Psychology-2022 Mental Health for 9th and/or 11th graders

link to the MN Student Survey (the data set you will use for the paper). Read through the survey questions presented to the students. Identify two or three topics you find interesting. Research is always more enjoyable when you are interested in the topic. Your topic of interest will be the focus for your … Read more

As we have seen, each developmental theory has a unique emphasis. How might each theory explain Steven’s academic difficulties?

Theory Case Study Scenario Steven enters the school psychologist’s office with a frown, grumbling to himself. His teacher, Ms. Marta, has suggested that he visit the school psychologist for help understanding and treating his academic problems. Steven is a bright fifth grader, but he has great difficulties reading and his mathematics skills lag far behind … Read more

Why you are against processed food

Use any of this three souces to cit your work. “Process food and health” Processed Foods and Health “WHO report says eating processed meat is carcinogenic: Understanding the findings” WHO report says eating processed meat is carcinogenic: Understanding the findings “The dangers of ultra-processed foods” The dangers of ultra-processed foods