The film is Just Ne Zha for this assignment.

Complete the assignment by answering each question in paragraph form. Answers need to be complete and comprehensive, demonstrating that you paid attention to the film and novel. You may use more than one paragraph if necessary. Be sure that the topic sentence of your first paragraph uses keywords from the question. All responses should be … Read more

Literature review

Each student will pick an article, editorial, etc and write about it. Analyze, critique, discuss, criticize, judge, or praise the article or editorial. Be sure to reference which one article, etc. by copying and pasting the link to the article in your response and referring its title and source. Each discussion should be two paragraphs. … Read more

Frederick Douglass in Five Speeches: This documentary, based on primary source speeches of Frederick Douglass, is brought to life by African American actors.

This essay is based on the Frederick Douglass autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick DouglassLinks to an external site.. Students are to create their own thesis (or “prompt”). You should, of course, be discussing the life and times of the subject, Frederick Douglass, as a slave but I am also interested in Douglass’s life … Read more

Discuss how habituation (from Chapter 6) may be a factor affecting their effectiveness.

Read the Case Study, “Anti-Smoking Advertising–Can You Be Scared Into Quitting?” at the end of Chapter 8. In a short essay, respond to question 8-2: “Health warnings have appeared on cigarette packages for almost 50 years. Discuss how habituation (from Chapter 6) may be a factor affecting their effectiveness. In over 80 countries, graphic images … Read more

Briefly summarize The Ojibwe Dance Drum, capturing the main points that the author makes regarding the following aspects of Indigenous music:

Briefly summarize The Ojibwe Dance Drum, capturing the main points that the author makes regarding the following aspects of Indigenous music: • General musical characteristics of Indigenous music • Style areas • Music and spirituality • Text and vocables • Role of instruments, particularly drums • Inter-relationship of music and dance • Pow wows – … Read more