Marketing Paper

Marketing managers for global organizations are often asked to evaluate the feasibility of new products and services and predict their profitability for the organization. For this task, you will select a business that would like to develop new products and services in order to attain a competitive advantage in the global market. You will first … Read more

Explain the concepts of mana and tapu using one art form found in Hawaiian culture as discussed in our reading and lecture. As part of museum displays today, do you think these objects still have the same amount of mana? Why or why not?

Explain the concepts of mana and tapu using one art form found in Hawaiian culture as discussed in our reading and lecture. As part of museum displays today, do you think these objects still have the same amount of mana? Why or why not? Be sure that you answer the question asked in its entirety … Read more

In this section of your portfolio, tell the reader how you have organized your portfolio and how they can navigate the various sections. In the introduction, explain why you chose the program and concentration.

Instructions: Many potential employers and managers considering employees for promotion will ask you to reflect back on your educational accomplishments. Prepare a summary of the work you completed as a student in your BA/BS program at APUS/AMU. Your Executive Summary should be a “teaser” for the reader. Entice the reader to want to read more … Read more

Discuss: The strengths and weaknesses of each The types of problems they are used to address How they are performing in the market Make sure to include sources of any information you use in your discussion.. You may add links to the resources that you identify.

Many data mining tools and platforms are available in the marketplace. They range from broad fully functional enterprise focused platforms to lightweight software programs with a focus on specific types of problems, and range from statistical tools to data visualization tools. Research different tools and platforms for data mining that are available in the market. … Read more

Analyzing Market Behavior: Introducing the Scientific Method and Data Analysis Skills.

The laboratory series is the foundational assignment group for developing student abilities to implement the scientific method and apply data analysis skills. In this course, the first exercise is demonstrative, the second teachable, and the third inquiry-based, which is hypothesis-driven and focuses on methods to address the research question. For this first lab, we will … Read more

Understanding uber target market

The overall objective is to think critically about the marketing concepts discussed in the classroom and applying them to the case study. A good case study should identify where you started, what you wanted to change, what actually changed as a result of the work, how that change was achieved, how any resulting impact was … Read more

promoting yourself

Write one objective for each promotional strategy. Think of how you will use in your own personal marketing plan, so that it relates to your plan and will help you accomplish your 3 personal marketing objectives. 1) Advertising 2) Personal Selling 3) PR 4) Sales Promotion