Ebola Civil Discussion

In August, 2014 there was an Ebola epidemic in Africa. Two Americans doctors contracted the disease while doing mission work. They were transported back to the U.S. and treated at Emory hospital in Atlanta, GA. At the heart of this debate is whether they should have been brought back due to fears of an outbreak … Read more

Health Care Costs-Health care costs continue to rise significantly each year. If you were in charge of healthcare for our country, what measures would you take to reduce health care costs, increase eligibility for more Americans, and continue to expand healthcare innovation?

Thinking outside of the box: Health care costs continue to rise significantly each year. If you were in charge of healthcare for our country, what measures would you take to reduce health care costs, increase eligibility for more Americans, and continue to expand healthcare innovation? Please feel free to research what other countries do for … Read more

Unit 4 Soap

Submit only the subjective and objective data sets for your chosen encounter.It is expected that you vary the primary focus of each note to ensure you are receiving quality feedback for several types of patient encounters to include acute, chronic and wellness encounters. You are not to utilize the same type of encounter, acute/chronic health … Read more

Complex regional pain syndrome

Write an essay on complex regional pain syndrome. Include cause, risk factors, epidemiological and how you would diagnose this (patient history, physical exam other objective findings). how it differs from 3 or more differential diagnosis.

America Vs. Universal Healthcare: Explain how the two countries finance their healthcare systems.

Select a country with a universal healthcare system (Canada, Australia, New Zealand or any other). Once selected, compare their approach to healthcare spending to that of the U.S. Write a 2-3-page summary that includes the following: Discuss the differences in healthcare politics Explain how the two countries finance their healthcare systems Insight on how political … Read more

Living with disabilities

Discuss the language we use to talk about persons with disabilities (e.g., disability vs. handicap, person-first language as in “child with learning disabilities” rather than learning disabled child). What are some terms once used regarding persons with disabilities that would be considered derogatory today (dull, slow, idiot, deaf/dumb, retarded) and how do these terms impact … Read more

how does the occurrence of sexual abuse in different developement stages lead to higher or lower chances of DID? Using Eriksons stages of development

Written one paragraph paper proposal and 5-7 tentative peer reviewed references due. This must be emailed to me prior to today’s class, and if we revise it significantly as a result of your presentation, you must email me an updated proposal and reference list. Proposals will be presented in class. Allow about ten minutes for … Read more

Public nonconformity activity

Choose an activity to perform in public that is an example of nonconformity or breaking the norm. While creativity is encouraged, you are not permitted to choose an activity that is OFFENSIVE, ILLEGAL, and/or UNSAFE. You then will write a paper about your experiences. The purpose of this paper is to apply theories from Social … Read more