ISS-602A: Making Decisions: Strategy and War.

Write an essay of 1600 words to answer the following prompt: PROMPT: Examine how relevant NSC-68 (1950) is for guiding the United States in its current strategic competition with the People’s Republic of China. Then, use the ends-ways-means-risk (Lykke) model to develop a contemporary US national security strategy focused on China. Your essay must integrate … Read more

“Fences” by August Wilson-What are the short term and long term effects of racism in sports? In the work force? Show how August Wilson’s play “Fences” illustrated these effects during the 1950’s.

1)What are the short term and long term effects of racism in sports? In the work force? Show how August Wilson’s play “Fences” illustrated these effects during the 1950’s. 2)What is the play’s attitude toward women? Do Rose and the women mentioned in “Fences” typify or defy roles of women in the 1950’s? What attributes … Read more

Lasting Controversy 100 Years Later-Which challenge from the 1920s (100 years ago) remains the most unresolved today? Why did you pick this challenge?

Lasting Controversy 100 Years Later Note: Check in the title heading at the very top to see if this assignment is Required or Extra Credit. If it is required, please do this assignment. I have very carefully curated the required assignments to meet the student learning outcomes for this course. If this assignment is extra … Read more

Assess American policy regarding treating the wounded during the Mexican War versus the American Civil War. What are some similarities and differences?

Address the questions below about medical practices. Use the available resources from the list above to support your selected topic. Medical Practices Mexican War v. Civil War Describe medical care challenges during the Mexican War and the Civil War. Assess American policy regarding treating the wounded during the Mexican War versus the American Civil War. … Read more