Discuss how you think the study you participated in met ethical standards for research?

Discuss how you think the study you participated in met ethical standards for research?Participating in real research studies is a valuable way to learn about and experience some of the concepts that we are learning about in class. This assignment is worth 10 points (5 points for the sona credits and 5 points for the questions).
This is the first of two SONA Research Participation Assignments that you will complete this semester (the second one, Part II, is due at the end of the semester). You will complete 2 SONA credits for this assignment and 2 SONA credits for the second one, for a total of 4 SONA credits over the whole semester.
For this assignment, you will need to participate in at least 2 SONA credits (2.5 course points per 1 SONA credit). In addition, you will get 5 points for answering the question in step 2 (below). If you participate in two SONA studies (each worth one SONA credit), you may choose one of them to write about below.
Note: you can get extra credit for participating in more than the 4 required SONA credits! If you do more than the 4 required credits at the end of the semester (2 for this assignment and 2 for your second required assignment), you’ll get extra credit for them at the end of the semester (up to 10 points for an additional 4 SONA credits—2.5 extra credit points per SONA credit).
Step 1: Login to SONA (FIU Sona SiteLinks to an external site.) to find the studies available. Sign up to participate in at least two SONA credits (if you do more, they can count toward your second sona assignment or they can count toward extra credit). When you sign up, make sure that you choose this course with this instructor as the course you are participating for, and that you have the correct section of the course. Otherwise, we will have no way of knowing that you completed the study.
Step 2: Reflect about your experiences in the study by answering the following questions. Please refrain from sharing your experiences with other students, especially those who have not yet participated, as this could contribute to research bias. Do not email the researchers of the studies you participate in about these questions. You need to answer them on your own to the best of your ability.
Do you think the study you participated in met ethical standards for research? Explain why or why not. (1 point).
Why is it important for participants to be unaware of what the research study is about before participating in the study? That is, why is it important for participants to not know the study design, manipulations, and hypotheses before participating? (1 point).
How can researchers make sure that participants don’t know anything about the study before participating? In your answer, explain at least one way that researchers can minimize this type of participant bias. (1 point).
In Methods 2 next semester, you will learn about “replication with extension” studies, which is when researchers conduct another study after their study is over that is based on the same basic research question, but might include new variables, different (but related) research questions, or different dependent variables. After participating in this study, what do you think a good follow-up (“replication with extension”) study could be? Specify your own IVs, DVs, and hypotheses here that are related to (though different from) the study you just completed (2 points).

This is the information about the study
Centering Ourselves in Miami

Things you should know about this study:

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explore Hispanic emerging adults’ perceptions of racial, ethnic and gender identity, along with identifying unique social and cultural factors that influence these perceptions.
Procedures: If you choose to participate, you will be asked to answer some survey questions.
Duration: This will take about 45 minutes.
Risks: Participants may experience temporary discomfort from thinking about their negative experiences with racial, ethnic and gender identity interactions.
Benefits: The main benefit to you from this research is to reflect on your own racial, ethnic and gender identity perceptions. Additionally, identifying key points of interventions that support providers and educators can be drawn from this data.
Alternatives: There are no known alternatives available to you other than not taking part in this study.

Participation: Taking part in this research project is voluntary.Please carefully read the entire document before agreeing to participate.

The primary purpose of this study is to explore Hispanic emerging adults’ perceptions of racial, ethnic and gender identity, along with identifying unique social and cultural factors that influence these perceptions.

If you decide to be in this study, you will be one of 2000 people in this research study

Your participation will require 45 minutes.

If you agree to be in the study, we will ask you to do the following things:
1. Answer a series of survey questions.

Participants may experience temporary discomfort from thinking about their negative experiences with racial, ethnic and gender identity interactions. Like all other questions on this voluntary survey, you do not need to answer these questions. To minimize any temporary discomfort, you will be provided with contact information for FIU’s counseling services at the end of the survey. This will give you the opportunity to express your concerns to a trained counselor or seek help.

We do see several possible benefits to your participation. First, by participating in this innovative study you are to reflect on your own racial, ethnic and gender identity. Additionally, identifying key points of interventions that support providers and educators can be drawn from this data.

Study Questions

What sex were you assigned at birth?
What is your gender?
Who are your preferred sexual partners?
Please consider your sexual behaviors, thoughts, desires, feelings, and experiences. Which of the following best describes these?

What is your primary racial/ ethnic identity?
What is your second racial/ ethnic identity?
What is your first familial national identity/ family homeland?
What is your second familial national identity/ family homeland?
In what country were you born?
In what country was your mother born?
In what country was your father born?
How many years have you lived in the United States? (select one)?
How many years have you lived in South Florida (including Dave, Broward and Palm Beach Counties)? (select one)?
What is the zip code of the place you consider to be home in the United States?

What is the zipcode of your current place of residence?
What was the zipcode of your high school?
Which of the following best describes your current living situtation?
What is the highest level of education completed by your mother?
What is the highest level of education completed by your father?
What is your current class standing?
What is your current relationship status?
Please share in detail what you think about when you hear the word Hispanic? What does this term mean to you?
Please share in detail how the word Hispanic applies to you and your life?
Please share in detail what you think about when you hear the word Latino or Latina?
What do these terms mean to you?
Please share in detail how the word Latino or Latina applies to you and your life?
Please share in detail what you think about when you hear the word LatinE? What does this term mean to you?
Please share in detail how the word LatinE applies to you and your life?
Please read each of the following statements and indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree.

Men are superior to women.
In a family, a father’s wish is law.
The birth of a male child is more important than a female child.
It is important not to be the weakest man in a group.
Real men never let down their guard.
It would be shameful for a man to cry in front of his children.
A man should be in control of his wife.
Please select disagree.
It is necessary to fight when challenged.
It is important for women to be beautiful.
The bills (electric, phone, etc.) should be in the man’s name.
Men must display good manners in public.
Men should be affectionate with their children.
Men should respect their elders.
A woman is expected to be loyal to her husband.
Men must exhibit fairness in all situations.
Men should be willing to fight to defend their family.
The family is more important than the individual.
Men hold their mothers in high regard.
A real man does not brag about sex.
Men want their children to have better lives than themselves.
Please select “Strongly Disagree”
The statements below represent some of the different expectations for Latinas/ Hispanic women. For each statement, select answer that best describes what you believe rather than what you were taught or what you actually practice.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman must be a source of strength for her family.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman is considered the main source of strength of her family.
A Latina/ Hispanic mother must keep the family unified.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should teach her children to be loyal to the family.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should do things that make her family happy.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should (should have) remain(ed) a virgin until marriage.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should wait until after marriage to have children.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should be pure.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should adopt the values taught by her religion.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should be faithful to her partner.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should satisfy her partner’s sexual needs without argument.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should not speak out against men.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should respect men’s opinions even when she does not agree.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should avoid saying no to people.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should do anything a male in the family asks her to do.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should not discuss birth control.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should not express her needs to her partner.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should feel guilty about telling people what she needs.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should not talk about sex.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should be forgiving in all aspects.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should always be agreeable to men’s decisions.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman should be the spiritual leader of the family.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman is responsible for taking family to religious services.
A Latina/ Hispanic woman is responsible for the spiritual growth of the family.
A person should always consider the needs of his or her family as more important than his or her own.
I put my family’s needs ahead of my own.
My family comes first.
My family is extremely important to me.
I take my family obligations very seriously.
My family’s needs come before my own.
In this country, people come from a lot of different cultures and there are many different words to describe the different backgrounds or ethnic groups that people come from. Thinking about your ethnicity answer the following questions.

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement.

I have spent time trying to find out more about my ethnic group, such as history, traditions, and customs.
I am active in organizations or social groups that include mostly members of my own ethnic group.
I have a clear sense of my ethnic background and what it means for me.
I think a lot about how my life will be affected by my ethnic group membership.
I am happy that I am a member of the group I belong to.
I have a strong sense of belonging to my own ethnic group.
Please select “Disagree” for this row
I understand pretty well what my ethnic group membership means to me.
To learn more about my ethnic background, I have often talked to other people about my ethnic group.
I have a lot of pride in my ethnic group and its accomplishments.
I participate in cultural practices of my own group, such as special food, music, or customs.
I feel a strong attachment towards my own ethnic group.
I feel good about my cultural or ethnic background.
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

Being a member of my ethnic group is an important part of who I am.
My parents gave me a strong sense of cultural values.
I believe that it is important to take part in holidays that celebrate my ethnic group.
Generally speaking, my ethnic group is respected in the United States.
My ethnic group has been treated well in U.S. society.
Discrimination against my ethnic group is not a problem in the United States.
Please select “Agree”.
I think that friendships work best when people are from the same ethnic group.
I find it easiest to trust people from my own ethnic group.
I prefer my close friends to be from my own ethnic group.
feel like I belong to mainstream U.S. culture.
I’m what most people think of as a typical American.
I think of myself as a typical American.
using the information about this study answer the following questions on the essay
Do you think the study you participated in met ethical standards for research? Explain why or why not. (1 point).
Why is it important for participants to be unaware of what the research study is about before participating in the study? That is, why is it important for participants to not know the study design, manipulations, and hypotheses before participating? (1 point).
How can researchers make sure that participants don’t know anything about the study before participating? In your answer, explain at least one way that researchers can minimize this type of participant bias. (1 point).
In Methods 2 next semester, you will learn about “replication with extension” studies, which is when researchers conduct another study after their study is over that is based on the same basic research question, but might include new variables, different (but related) research questions, or different dependent variables. After participating in this study, what do you think a good follow-up (“replication with extension”) study could be? Specify your own IVs, DVs, and hypotheses here that are related to (though different from) the study you just completed (2 points).

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