Explain the assertion that the law is both too rigid and too flexible to respond to cultural changes. page limit: 1 page, point value 5 points.

FINAL EXAM Sexuality & Politics
There are three questions and you must answer them both. The length of answer and point value is noted by each question. You should use 12 point font and double space or use 1.5 space if you feel you want to say more. Make sure your name and student id are at the top of the first page. You should turn it in as one document and you must turn it in through Canvas. If you reference readings or lectures or other material from the course, use embedded cites: for example: (Smith 2017) or (2/01 lecture) or (Module 1 Ted talk). Do not put a works cited list at the end. You may only cite works that have been assigned in the course. The assignment is due by 11:30 AM on Thursday March 21st. You should demonstrate your ability to analyze and process the information from the course. The final is worth 50 points which is 50% of your grade for the course.
Question 1: What did you learn in this class? page limit: 3 pages, point value 25 points.
Question 2: What advice would you give members of the BDSM community about how to respond to efforts by political elites to deprive them of their rights? page limit: 2 pages, point value 20 points.
Question 3: Explain the assertion that the law is both too rigid and too flexible to respond to cultural changes. page limit: 1 page, point value 5 points.

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