Explain the system of precedent in the common law system of Englandand Wales and why judges need guidance from previous cases.

read the extracts from the judgment IN THE DOCUMENT BELOW, answer these questions: 1. At paragraph [35] of this judgment, Lady Justice Rose stated that it isappropriate for a jury to consider the intention of the defendant as one ofthe facts and thus determine if he was fit to plead.

Explain the role of ajury in Crown Court cases. Give an example from the extract of how thisjudge came to her conclusion. 2. It is clear from the first two paragraphs of the judgment that this casewas heard in the Crown Court. Describe and compare the personnel andfunctions of the Crown Court and the magistrates’ court. Explain whythis case went to the Crown Court. 3. There was an element of statutory interpretation of s.47(1) of theFinancial Services Act 1986 required for Lady Justice Rose to dismissthis appeal. Identify which rule of construction she used and define it.Demonstrate, with evidence from the extract, how she used this rule. 4. At paragraph [12], the guidance from the case of Antoine is considered.Explain the system of precedent in the common law system of Englandand Wales and why judges need guidance from previous cases. Your answer should be a maximum of 1,000 words.(50 marks)Please turn over for the Ethics part of this assessment -LB656 Page 6 of 12 © The University of Law Limited 2023-2024 REFERENCES IF NEEDED NOT ESSENTIAL

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