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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam accumsan est at tincidunt luctus. Duis nisl dui, accumsan eu hendrerit sit amet, rutrum efficitur lacus. Mauris et velit tincidunt, sodales sapien ornare, facilisis neque. Vestibulum enim nisl, faucibus malesuada pretium eget, accumsan at felis. Mauris aliquet sem non mauris gravida facilisis. Pellentesque massa nunc,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam accumsan est at tincidunt luctus. Duis nisl dui, accumsan eu hendrerit sit amet, rutrum efficitur lacus. Mauris et velit tincidunt, sodales sapien ornare, facilisis neque. Vestibulum enim nisl, faucibus malesuada pretium eget, accumsan at felis. Mauris aliquet sem non mauris gravida facilisis. Pellentesque massa nunc,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam accumsan est at tincidunt luctus. Duis nisl dui, accumsan eu hendrerit sit amet, rutrum efficitur lacus. Mauris et velit tincidunt, sodales sapien ornare, facilisis neque. Vestibulum enim nisl, faucibus malesuada pretium eget, accumsan at felis. Mauris aliquet sem non mauris gravida facilisis. Pellentesque massa nunc,
Refer to attached presentation done before:
The Assessment Task
Following your briefing of senior managers (the power point presentation) who have now taken up successful international assignments in China, and India,
you have been promoted to the position of HR Director in your organisation.
The CEO has asked you prepare a report about
how employee engagement can be enhanced in three different geographic
locations, and how a training and development programme for managers will support
them in improving employee engagement.
The question that the CEO would like answered
in the report is:
can the organisation improve employee engagement in three different
international locations, and what training and development do managers need to support
them to improve employee engagement in these locations?
The report will be read by different managers
at different levels of the organisation as part of a consultation exercise, and
so it is important that you do not make any assumptions about prior knowledge of
managers at different levels.
You can choose whether to focus your report on
the locations of India, China and the UK, or you can choose different international
locations. However, whichever option you choose you must providing robust
supporting evidence (in the form of scholarly literature) to support the
rationale for your choice, and must avoid making uninformed statements or
claims about culture in different geographic locations.
The following questions are provided as a
prompt, but are not an exhaustive list, of things you may wish to consider when
preparing your strategy.
What is employee engagement?
What dimensions of employee engagement are
What will your strategy focus on and why?
What are the different issues,
problems and challenges associated with working across different cultures and
within different countries?
How might cultural differences impact
upon the engagement strategy?
What role do managers play in supporting
employee engagement?
What would a management training
and development programme need to include to equip managers for cross-cultural
employee engagement?
What recommendations will you
How much will your
recommendations cost?
Who will be responsible for delivering
your recommendations?