Statistics for Psychology-2022 Mental Health for 9th and/or 11th graders

link to the MN Student Survey (the data set you will use for the paper).
Read through the survey questions presented to the students. Identify two or three topics you find interesting. Research is always more enjoyable when you are interested in the topic. Your topic of interest will be the focus for your Research Paper.
You will utilize JASP to include at least two charts/graphs/tables in your Research Paper with the actual numbers from the MN Student Survey. ***IF YOU DONT HAVE ACCESS TO JASP (its free) and DONT KNOW HOW TO USE IT, THAT IS OKAY, you can use another program***

You will be focusing on the 9th and 11th grade populations for this Research Paper(for 2022)
Write an APA formatted paper 11 pages
· Title page (1 page)
· Abstract (1 page)
· Body of Paper (5-6 full pages)
· Reference Page (1 page) Tables/Figures/Graphs (1-2 pages)
Use Descriptive Research Data that you generate from the 2022 Minnesota Student Survey
(a) You are required to include at least TWO tables, figures, or graphs in your paper. Use what will be most impactful for the research paper.
(b) Using the MN Student Survey 2022 data, choose two or more related questions about a topic that focuses on physical or mental health and wellness in adolescents (grades 9 and/or 11). For example, you may want to research school safety, e-cigarette use, distracted driving).
(1) Run statistical analyses (e.g., frequency tables) for your questions including tables, figures, or graphs. Be mindful of the numbers you are entering for your analyses in JASP. You will need to calculate the numbers to enter (look at the total number of students who responded in 2022 and calculate the actual number of students from the percentages given).
(2) Consider running frequencies for gender, race, grade to see if there are differences you need to discuss.
(c) Research the topic. You will need to use at least 8 scholarly sources for your paper (t MN Student Survey is one source). You will need 7 additional sources that are related to your topic. Consider sources that will allow you to compare the data you have from the MN Student Survey to developmental psychology (what most adolescents experience related to your topic) or national statistics as compared with the data you have from the MN Student Survey.
(d) Be sure to include:
· Description of MN Student Survey (what it is, how administered, description of survey) HINT: The MN Student Survey is a cross-sectional survey design
· Demographics (number of participants, gender, race, grade level, etc.)
· Describe results from your tables/figures/graphs
· Compare results with research you found on your topic
List all references used on the Reference page, and cite all references within the body of the paper.

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