What are the six ethical issues which should be given particular attention in qualitative research?

What are the six ethical issues which should be given particular attention in qualitative research?
One of the main components of a qualitative dissertation is the Ethical Considerations. For this Discussion, develop a well-written paragraph of at least six sentences (including a topic sentence) to describe the ethical considerations that need to take place during your qualitative research. At minimum, the following ethical considerations should be discussed:
Obtaining site approval
Obtaining informed consent from participants
Informing participants of the voluntary nature of the study and their right to withdraw from the study at any time
The confidentiality of the site and participants (e.g., use of site and participant pseudonyms)

How both physical and electronic data will be secured and how long it will be stored. These security measures include the storage of electronic and hard data (e.g., password protection for electronic files and locked filing cabinets).
Risks and benefits to the participants should be discussed, along with an evaluation of the possible risks and mitigation factors. Any other potential issues that might arise and how they will be addressed should also be included in this Discussion.

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