What does Dr. Hill say about the Prison Industrial Complex in her lectures on the War on Drugs?

Critical Response will be your response to criminal justice system. First you are to use the articles posted on CANVAS by Dr. Aguirre, “Inequality in the Criminal Justice System”, and Jeffery Reiman, “The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison” and Michelle Alexander, “The New Jim Crow to discuss the Criminal Justice System. Also incorporate some of the discussion about the Prison system discussed in Henslin Ch. 6 and the other films that you will watch based on the Criminal Justice System.

What does Dr. Hill say about the Prison Industrial Complex in her lectures on the War on Drugs? Next, explain how the film 13th by Eva Duvernay that deals with the Criminal Justice System and the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC). The film is on Netflix and also embedded in the lectures on Chapter 6 located on Canvas under Announcements. Your Critical response must be at least 3 pages, typed-written, double-spaced, 12 font, and MLA or APA style. You are free to write more if you need to. Please include a reference page. You are to use no other reference material. All work must be original and done independently. Please follow the outline below or there will be an automatic 20-point deduction. All work will go through Turnitin.com to check for plagiarism (cheating) and you should not get higher than 20%.
Outline Headers for your essay:
Aguirre’s Article:
Reiman’s Article:
Michelle Alexander’s Article:
Henslin Ch 6:
Prison Industrial Complex and the War on Drugs
13th by Eva Duvernay

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