What historical problems led to the creation of the policy?

Also, let me know what topic you are choosing from the list, or not, so that I can let my professor know which one that I am doing please.

Policy Analysis – Inclusivity, Diversity, Social Justice and Systemic Equity Assignment – (EPAS Comp 1, 3, 4, 5)
The Policy Analysis is an important assignment, because it allows the student to demonstrate his/her knowledge and application of course information. It is a traditional assignment in social welfare policy courses across the country.
The analysis should be developed in APA writing style with the appropriate grammar, and format; reflecting a four-year college policy research paper. The integration of course materials should be included, through citations of appropriate material, for key point illustrations. The content should show clarity of thought, relevance of the paper’s topic and analysis of the course’s policy orientation, logic of presentation, correctness, convincing argument(s), extend of independent fact-finding through the exploration of various relevant data sources to support your analysis. You should have at least 15 sources, including, books and journal articles. Your sources should be between 2012-present. The length of the analysis should be no less than 18 pages.
You may choose any relevant topic of personal interest to write about it. In your analysis, emphasis how cultural groups are disproportionately affected by the policy you are analyzing. Once you have chosen your topic, please email that topic to the professor. Here are some suggested policy problem topics:
Affirmative Action Earned Income Tax Credit General Assistance Program Institutionalized Racism Institutionalized Sexism Social Security – problems and solutions Supplemental Income Security Program Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Unemployment Insurance Program Worker’s Compensation Program Substance Abuse – policies and programs Child Welfare Programs (protective services, foster care, adoption) Corrections and policies impacting youth Deinstitutionalization in Mental Health (ex; Homeless) Economic Systems/Policies impacting Social Welfare Domestic Violence policies and programs Poverty and Social Welfare Policy Violence in Communities – Policies and Programs in Prevention The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 Housing Human Rights Violations in Economic System Human Rights Violations in Healthcare System Human Rights Violations in Social Welfare System Immigration policies and programs Ryan White Treatment and Modernization Act of 2006 (HIV/AIDS Funding) Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022
Your analysis is conducted based upon components of social policy. The structure of the paper should contain an Abstract. An Abstract is generally 6-8 sentences, providing the reader with a concise summarization of your findings regarding the social problem identified and conclusions of the author. Your introductory paragraph(s) should provide the reader with reasons why this topic is important in society. Cite those leading scholars in this paragraph, and end it with a strong thesis statement.
Section I: Historical Background of the Policy
Understanding the history of a policy is important for two reasons: (1) It explains reasons why the policy is created; and (2) The elements of history should be included in the analysis. These questions may help:
1. What historical problems led to the creation of the policy? 2. How important have these problems been historically? 3. How was the social problem previously handled? 4. What is the historical background of the policy statement?

5. When did the policy originate?
6. What is the legislative history of the policy?
Section II: Describe the Problem That Necessitated the Policy – Power Imbalance
In order to access the ability of a policy to remedy successfully a social problem you need to understand the parameters of the problem. This section requires the use of statistics that reflect the quantifiable dimensions of the problem:

1. 2. 3. characterized in the public domain?
4. What is the disproportional ratio of those affected?
5. How will the policy help to address the problem?
Section III: Description of the Policy
This section requires a detailed explanation of the policy:

1. The way the policy is intended to work.
2. The resources or opportunities the policy is expected to provide (i.e., power, cash, economic opportunity, redistribution of resources, etc.)
3. Who will be covered by the policy and how (i.e., universal versus selective entitlement, means testing, etc.)
4. How will the policy be implemented and coordinated?
5. What are roles of local, state, federal governments in the development and implementation of the policy?
6. What is the funding mechanism for the policy?
7. What agencies or organizations have overall responsibility for overseeing, evaluating, and coordinating the policy?
Section IV: Policy Analysis – Actual Impact
Policy Goals: The criteria by which we measure the intentions of the policy.
1. Are the goals of the policy legal, just, democratic?
2. Do the goals of the policy contribute to greater social equality or inequality?
3. Do the goals of the policy positively affect the redistribution of income, resources, rights, entitlements, rewards, opportunities and status?
4. Do the goals of the policy contribute to a better quality of life for the target population? Will the goals adversely affect the quality of life of the target group?
5. Does the policy contribute to positive social relations between the target population and the overall society?
6. Does the policy encourage the continuation of the status quo or does it represent a radical departure?
7. What groups or social institutions are the major beneficiaries of the policy?
8. Is the policy designed to foster any real social change?
What is the nature of the problem? How widespread is the problem?
How many people, and what groups, are affected by the problem? How are they

Section V: Policy Practice Skills
1. Explain thoroughly the type(s) of advocacy that should be used with the population affected by this particular policy;
2. Explain electoral advocacy activities, cause or class advocacy, administrative advocacy, client advocacy, electronic advocacy, legislative advocacy, strategies for monitoring legislation.
Section VI: Conclusions
1. End your paper outlining the present outcomes of the analyzed policy.
2. Add what may be future outcomes if the policy does not change and
3. Other suggestions derived from the analysis that you found to be contributing to improving the effectiveness of the policy
This section is where you place your opinions. You NOW have the right to a responsible, informed opinion, because you have done your research. Ensure that you have page numbers in your document. Proofread and/or work with a tutor to proofread your work. Cite all information that is not originally yours. Provide a cover page and references with no less than 15 sources (2012 to present year). Do not rely on webpages. Your sources of information should be scholarly-based sources and cited according to the APA writing style.

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