What surprises did you find as you paid attention to your interactions? What did you learn about yourself? Based on the data, what are your strengths as a communicator? What do you want to work on? Why? How will you work on this? How will this be helpful in other relationships?

Data Analysis
Reflect on the data you collected and refer to your data as you address these questions.
What surprises did you find as you paid attention to your interactions? What did you learn about yourself? Based on the data, what are your strengths as a communicator? What do you want to work on? Why? How will you work on this? How will this be helpful in other relationships?
Be specific, use your data as evidence, and give examples.
each analysis will be about 3-4 pages in length and should follow the presentation of the data (the data are not included in page count)
demonstrate your understanding of the text as you write your analysis; use the terminology from the textbook and include in-text citations with the page numbers
submit to Blackboard with the Academic Honesty Statement on the title page.
NOTE: you can use the pronoun “I”; however, do NOT use the pronoun “you” (which is unspecified)

Accuracy: Demonstrate a thorough and accurate understanding of the material
Clarity: Discuss the material with clarity, coherence, and precision; avoid generalities
Critical Thinking: Demonstrate critical thinking by distinguishing between fact and opinion, making detailed observations, uncovering assumptions, forming assertions based on sound logic and solid evidence
Form: Follow the paper length and format requirements; responses to assignments should be logically organized and well-developed (with examples and detail); written in clear, error-free prose.
**I STRONGLY encourage you to work with a tutor in the Writing Center for additional support.**
Data Collection 3: Cultural and Environmental Factors in IPC (Ch. 6), Talking and Listening (Ch. 7) & Building Maintaining Relationships (Ch. 8)
For this data collection, you will pay attention to how you interact with others regarding self-disclosure, impression management, and face.
Self-disclosure is the process of purposefully communicating information about one’s self (p. 222). This is important in relationships because sharing more information about yourself with another person allows that person to know you better and can bring you closer to each other (pp. 269-270).
Impression Management is “the attempt to generate as favorable an impression of ourselves as possible, particularly through both verbal and nonverbal techniques of self-presentation” (p. 224).
Six techniques described in the book include: self-descriptions, accounts, apologies, entitlements and enhancements, flattery, and favors (pp. 224-225)
Face (saving, gaining, or losing) (pp. 205-206) “Face is the standing or position a person has in the eyes of others. During an interpersonal interaction, individuals strive to create a positive version of their face for the other person.”
Building and Maintaining Relationships (Chapter 8) -If you choose this for data analysis 3, then for data analysis 4, you are doing the first prompt.
For this data collection, you will pay attention to your interactions specifically with someone you care about and have frequent contact with. Briefly describe the relationship.
Dialectical tensions: Relationship dialectics are tensions that happen in a relationship. Partners have to deal with integration vs. separation, predictability vs. novelty, openness vs closedness, similarity vs. difference, ideal vs. real, expression vs. privacy. (pp. 267-269)

Note what the tensions are and their context; describe how you and your partner deal with them in each instance. What other options could you have tried? What might you consider trying next time?
These are some different ways of managing dialectical tensions:
Denial is where we respond to one end.
Disorientation is where we feel overwhelmed. We fight, freeze, or leave.
Alternation is where we choose one end on different occasions.
Recalibration is reframing the situation or perspective.
Segmentation is where we compartmentalize different areas.
Balance is where we manage and compromise our needs.
Integration is blending different perspectives.
Reaffirmation is having the knowledge & accepting our differences.
Note 3-5 interactions that exemplify the elements under focus for each data collection.
For each interaction, include a) a description of the interaction, b) the context, c) the relationship to the text d) effect of the interaction, and e) brief notes.
Use this table to collect your data.
(what was said/ indicated/done, by whom; what is your relationship)
(where, time of day, how—in person, on phone, etc., anything else that is relevant for understanding the interaction)
Relation to text
(refer to definitions; include pg. number)
(positive, neutral, negative effect on the relationship)
(what surprises you/what doesn’t surprise you about this interaction )

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