What type of services, projects, or events do you think the community needs to implement to better serve these populations?

Add all questions to the paper.

1. Think about the community you live in and the resources available to veterans, youth, low-income families, and women.

2. What type of services, projects, or events do you think the community needs to implement to better serve these populations?

3. Share with the class how you have been able to fulfill your “acts of service” within your community, with your friends and family, or within a community organization.

The community I live in is Los Angeles

Places of services:
Current- Early Educational Center – 36th Street EEC
Employment- Amity Foundation – Homeless Population, Prison Reform, Mental Health, Permanent housing, Employment, Clothing, and Food.

Union Rescue Mission – Homeless population
Baldwin Hills Dodgers Little League Baseball

Last Completed Projects

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