Write a paper (maximum 6 double spaced pages) on a particular sport within a chosen country (or region) of their interest that is not Canada.

Students will write a paper (maximum 6 double spaced pages) on a particular sport within a chosen country (or
region) of their interest that is not Canada. Any sport can be selected for examination and any country (or region).
The students will consider the concept of sport development (e.g., grass root participation to high performance
amateur and possibly professional sport realm pending their chosen sport and country or region). The goal here is
to examine, as detailed as possible, for one sport, the topic of sport development within your selected
country/region. You are expected to frame what is meant by sport development using sport management peer
reviewed articles for the position paper. Thus, you must research and properly cite leading sources of information
for this topic from peer reviewed research (minimum of 3 academic peer reviewed papers is expected to be
incorporated into the paper). In addition, you must also discuss:

how the sport is organized, growth trends for the
sport within the country/region, important marketing and sponsorship affiliations for the sport, key demographics
to help develop the sport system, projections for growth, key stakeholders involved and/or required (e.g., coaches,
high performance directors) and the how and why the sport either works well or does not work well according to
your findings. Ultimately, this paper should provide information and evidence which demonstrates how this sport
‘functions’ within their selected country/region. Finally, a position must be argued regarding if this sport in this
country/region has a bright and/or positive and sustainable future.

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