Write a proposal paper about the philospher Aristotle by only reading sophie world book.

)Write a proposal paper about the philospher Aristotle by only reading sophie world book. Tell me in a sentence the name of the philosopher whose ideas you want to
tackle. The best way to pick this if you don’t have any prior idea is to look
through the table of contents in Sophie’s World and Ten Great Works,
make a list of names, and go to Encyclopaedia Britannica here, or the Internet Encyclopaedia of Philosophy
here, and find out enough
about each one to see if he interests you. After all, the one you want to write
on might not come up in class until end of term. So check them all out now,
enough to decide which one you want to debate. I’ll be happy to take your questions
and help you.
(2) Say why you picked this one. What did you like about him, or what about
what he believed bugs you, or how did you decide on him? This may take a few
sentences. Don’t tell me he’s important—(a) of course he is; otherwise we
wouldn’t be studying him; (b) you don’t care. Tell me why you care about
the person you pick, not why in general he’s worth caring about.

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