Write a research paper on the topic, “What is the world’s best food challenge?”

1. Write a research paper on the topic, “What is the world’s best food challenge?”Gointoyourfridgeandfindafruitorvegetablethathasbeensittingthereforalong
time, but is still safe and good to eat.
2. Takeaphotoofthisfruit/vegetable
3. Usethisfruit/vegetableinadishthisyouaremakingthisweek.
4. Takeaphotoofthenewmealyoumadeusingthatoldfruit/vegetable.

that we already have in our fridge, and how reducing food waste helps our planet.
Use your chosen food item as an example.
6. Youshouldusein-textcitationsandhaveareferencepag

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