Write a research report on the topic of how quitting smoking affects prescription drugs for mental health issues.
APA Format
12 pt times new Roman double spaced
REMEMBER: “Thorough” means “complete,” which means that if there are 4 studies examining your topic (e.g., the effects of psilocybin on smoking cessation), you should review all 4 articles. If there are 24, you should review all 24.
Use at least 3-4 different articles and cite least 5 things from these articles in APA and do a APA cited reference page
What the paper should be about:
Imagine a friend’s mother has tried to quit smoking several times in the past few years, but each time she goes back to smoking within a few weeks. Your friend calls you laughing and tells you that their mother’s doctor recommended she take part in a clinical trial testing the effectiveness of psilocybin for smoking cessation. After looking it up on the internet, their mother was apparently insulted that her doctor would recommend such a treatment because she is an upstanding woman in the community and not some “druggie.” However, knowing that you are a master at navigating psychological research, your friend’s mother asks if you would be willing to look into it for her and let her know what you think about it. She is particularly wondering (a) if psilocybin has been shown to be effective in helping people to quit smoking, (b) what she could expect from the treatment, and (c) whether you think she should try the psilocybin or give the nicotine patches another shot? Justify your response with a thorough review of the research on the efficacy of psilocybin treatment for smoking cessation, and include a brief comparison of the effectiveness of psilocybin with that of nicotine patches.
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